Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Will you ever forgive me?

Im sorry blog, i truly am, how i have been neglecting you. But you are not alone, i dont seem to write in my diary anymore either.
So i know you my be wondering 'well what the fuck have you been doing then?'

But i had to return to wish you a happy birthday, my blog one year old. I am sorry for abandoning you and i cant promise that i will return to the old writting days, but i hope in time that you will forgive me. Because i can honestly say i miss you. I miss this. I miss writing, and i realised this when i made a blog purley for book reviews. Promise im not cheating on you old friend, oh how ever could i do that? I couldnt.
Ive just found a love for books, one that i never knew i had but when my friends decided they didnt like me anymore, vodka and books became my best friends. And honestly? I dont think id have it any other way.

My love for music is still going strong, infact i think i have slight post gig depression despite there only being a month apart between my last and next. I feel more lonely than ever and my sadness is worse. Infact i went to a doctor after recent thoughts and almost not making it to 2014. Where i got refereed to a place, but i burnt the letter they sent me because i physically couldn't call them. Im a coward.

I have a visa meaning i can leave the country which is good news, never knew how hard it was though to sort out, like i actually had to make a phone call. -gasps- who does that?!

And i spend all weekend working, and i wouldnt have it any other way.

So in a way i started this blog to try to be different, not boring, now im wondering, did it work? My weeks are average, i rarely do anything different, i have no friends and my weekends are spent working.

Did we fail blog? I hope not, because we're not over yet.


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